Hang tight, and keep those fingers crossed!

Okay guys! Judging is about to begin for the Awesomelicious Foodies’ Blog Contest, 2014! Once we’re done with this, more recipes than ever, promise. 😉

We got an overwhelming amount of entries, so it may take a while, but the results will be announced soon! Hand tight and good luck! May the best blog win! 🙂

Recipe Competition!

Omigosh, this looks good, right? What do you think of when you see it? Any ideas on how it was made? Today, I’m not TELLING you the recipe. Instead, YOU’RE telling ME.
If you’ve made this before, or tried your very own recipe, share it with us by emailing us on awesomeliciousrecipes@gmail.com.
Please, make sure that you DID make it. Any pictures from the internet (although this one was taken from there ;)) will be disqualified.
Best recipe and picture will be posted on the blog, with your name. You MAY also get what we call “authorship“. So get trying, testing, cooking and sending today!
 Last date: 24th October 2013!

Woot! Stay awesomelicious, and good luck!